Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Helping Abba build the sukkah

Week of sept. 1st.

I cleaned up all by myself!!
Working on the computer

Tashlich trip

Today we went on our first field trip. We spent the day at the Historic Park. (About 5 min. From our house) .
The park leads right up to the St. John's river, which was great for saying tashlich. 
We spent some time learning about what tashlich was and why we do it. I taught them what the words meant and that some of the words are the very same ones used by Moshe Rabainu when he was praying for forgiveness for the sin of the golden calf. 
We then walked up the dock to watch some ppl. Who were fishing. 
We had a nice little picnic and the boys had a chance to play some ball. Later we walked around and found some interesting wild life. We also checked out the old barn and farm house (from1870's) that are at the park as well.
It was a great day. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Our first week

I was a bit nervous at the beginning of the week. I had read on so many homeschool blogs that said that it can take a long time for kids to adjust to being homeschooled. Some said it can take up to a few months. So, I decided to start slowly and to introduce a little each day. To my surprise and delight my children were very excited about all of their new books and material. They kept asking me what was next. I realized very quickly that I had not planned enough material for the day and was quickly trying to      find work for them. I spent that night planning and putting a schedule in place for the next day that incorporated most of their workboxes. The following day was much better. The kids really enjoyed going from one box to the next and moving their tabs over, so that by the end of the day they could see how much they accomplished. They felt really proud of themselves. 
I know that everything is new and exciting now and that we may have times when they are less excited about everything. But, for now I am very pleased with our homeschool. 

First week of homeschool